We PRINT Your Business


When you create your design using any common graphic program such as: Adobe Design, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXpress, CorelDRAW, please make sure to START CREATING THE JOB WITH "CMYK" COLOR... 

You should start your job as a standard process color job ... All images are at least 300dpi resolution ...  Convert fonts to outline or curves whichever is applicable ...  Export a Press Quality PDF from the native program. Your PDF file should be saved as a postscript file from your native program first, then “distilled” using Acrobat Distiller using PRESS Setting ...  

In ALL designs, please make bleeds inward {at: 0.125”} ... Once again ALL colors in your design MUST be CMYK. If you use “spot colors” or “duotone images” in your design, they MUST also be converted to CMYK. Critical color requires a “Color Key”.

IMPORTANT: Color is printed to our printer’s standard i.e.: “Pleasing Color”. 

EXACT COLOR MATCH NOT GUARANTEED. Color laser copies or other proofs are not considered accurate prepress production colors.


If you need a template for your next project, simply e-mail us at info@ePrintYourBusiness.com letting us know what is it that you are creating plus which graphic program are you using and we will send you the appropriate design template.

For your convenience, we also have a team of experienced graphic designers who can assist you with the creation of your graphics. Cost associated with this service is $50 per hour & minimum 2 hours will be charged. If interested, please send us an e-mail stating what you have on mind to be created and one of our graphic designers will contact you within ONE working day.